Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New year, new lunchbox?!

My kids go back to school in just two weeks!  Last year, my daughter only went to preschool two days a week.  This year, she will be a big kindergartener and will attend school everyday like her brother.  More days = more lunches! 
Their lunchbags are still in great shape from last year, so we will be using those still... but I decided to get some more of the inner containers to fit our laptop lunchbox 2.0 sets.  That way, I can make lunch for the next day WHILE the kids are still at school... or in the off chance I am behind in the doing dishes ( not that I ever let that happen...).

I figured this was a great time to remind you that you can save 10% off your order with the code LUNCHBOXLIMBO at checkout at laptop lunches.  I almost forgot to use it myself when I placed my own order!!

I highly recommend the 2.0 version and an extra set of 'buddies'!
They are a little more expensive than a typical lunchbox, but I STILL have plastic baggies I bought at the start of LAST school year...  and the savings on buying food in bulk packaging instead of the pricier individual sizes -  totally worth the investment for the lunchbox!

If you are looking for a more inexpensive option - the 'easy lunchbox' is a great choice.  They come in sets of 4 and fit a standard six pack cooler bag, with room to add whole fruit/ice pack/drink.  They are not 'squishy' like some reusable plastics, but also not not quite as sturdy as the laptop lunchboxes (we had one crack already) and not leak proof. This can be solved with a little plastic wrap or press and seal over thicker liquids, or placing runny foods in a separate container.  The 'six pack style bag will allow room to do just that.   I really like using these for my quick morning lunches - or days I feel like doing less dishes!  You can find these at

Another option - I noticed potterybarn kids has a line of bento style containers this year!  The main bento box was not leak proof, so liquid/runny foods would need to be placed in a separate container or given the press and seal treatment.

What I was really impressed with was the thick, molded interior of their lunchboxes.  The slighlty harder sides would keep whole fruits safe, and the overall thickness would help keep food colder, longer.  The bento box fits perfectly inside the lunchbox... the bad news, the bento box fits perfectly inside the lunchbox.. no room for a drink, or a seperate container for liquidy/runny foods.  I'd be using press and seal allll the time which kinds defeats the point of going with a bento box! So, it is one or the other - bento box or seperate containers -   But gosh, the pb designs are cute!

Happy Lunchbox shopping!

All opinions above are mine... no compensation for talking about any of these products. 
 Coupon code mentioned above is part of an affiliate program.  I am provided a small percentage of orders made using code. very small.


  1. Thanks! I recently won the Easy Lunch Box system through a blog giveaway and I was wondering if they were leak-proof! Time to start kids go back in a couple of weeks too.

  2. don't do runny liquids. I took salad to work one day with a oil/vin dressing on it and it was all over the place. I just flat out forgot!

    I've done thicker liquids like applesauce and yogurt and just stuck cling wrap or press n seal and was fine. The return trip home might be messy if your child does not finish it all though... just fyi

  3. I used the PB retro lunchboxes as opposed to the classic ones you're talking about. The retro uses the separate containers (totally leak-proof) and inside the top part of the lunchbox are elastic holders to hold a water bottle or a food thermos that I also got from PB. I used this system in tandem with the Laptop Lunchboxes and it worked out great.

  4. good to know! I didn't look at the retro in the store, just the classic.
    Love that the laptop lunchbox fits in with room for a thermos! That is always an issue in winter. The days I send a thermos, I would pack their lunches in my husbands larger lunchbags!

  5. Very nice lunchbox with the inserts. I need to get my 10 year old a good one.

  6. Hi Amanda, I thought you and your readers might be interested in hearing about some of Mom Made's promotions going on--a coupon as well as free LL Bean backpacks! We make organic children's Meals and Munchies that can be packed for school lunches. Please email me if you're interested in hearing more about our promotions or doing a product review. Thanks! media mommadefoods com



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