Thursday, April 15, 2010

mega salad -3 in 1 post

Here are three lunch pictures I took over the last week or so.  Each with salad, lol.  Between all the lettuce and carrots we've had in the house lately, I am shocked my children have not turned colors!

 Lettuce with cucumber, hard boiled easter egg, carrot sticks, homemade cinnamon wheat banana muffin

 Lettuce with raspberry dressing, cucumbers and croutons (all organic), hard boiled easter egg ( I peeled this one for my daughter after taking the pic), a cadberry egg candy leftover from the Easter Bunny, and orange slices.  There was something going on at school that day so I packed her a smaller than normal lunch.

Spinach salad with tomatoes, parmesan cheese, almonds, croutons, yogurt with a frozen peach slice, annies bunny grahams


  1. Interesting. :P

    Take the Salad Personality Test and find out which salad are you like. I have taken the test and enjoyed a lot. Hope u too will enjoy it. Have Fun!!

  2. Hi, I am a follower of your blog and I have been wanting to ask you if I can link to your blog in a post. I love your lunches!!! My blog is

  3. Found you at - congrats on your nomination. We have very similar styles for our kids lunches/snacks! I love the 'throw and go'. Sometimes I feel like that's cheating, but when I look at what I 'threw' I actually don't feel so bad. It's usually quite healthy and balanced.

  4. Kelly - absolutely!

    Anna - wow, i had no idea! Sometimes I forget that anyone even looks at my blog. What a cool honor to be on the babble list. I had no idea this blog had been nominated!

  5. Would you mind posting a recipe for the Cinn. Banana Wheat Muffin? Thanks!



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