Saturday, January 16, 2010

Garden planning time!!

I have big plans for the garden and big plans for this weekend.  I am spending this weekend researching, planning and prepping.  We hope to add two smaller raised beds in the back yard this year, and go bigger and better.  The weather is supposed to be nicer tomorrow so construction will be in full swing - we are going to go as organic as possible with materials, seeds, etc.   We are going to somewhat follow the 'square foot grdening' approach and divide the back beds into sections, building some trellis-like contraptions to get as many things growing vertically as we can. We need to figure out what will grow where and get the seeds and start planting indoors.  I peeked around many garden blogs last night and it looks like I am ALREADY a little behind... sheesh!

The main garden is on the side of our house (in the front yard) blocked from street view by the a/c units.  It seemed to be a good spot, but is right up against the house, so getting to all the plants seemed to be problematic.  The backyard spots will be more accessible.

My biggest fear is that I am going to just be investing a lot of time and energy to make a giant smorgasbord for my dog!!

But my hope is that we are able to produce enough fresh, organic foods for the rest of the family to eat!


  1. That's great! I can't wait until it's time to garden here :D We're still frozen over! Last year we started very late and had no idea what we were doing and still ended up with tons of produce for us as well as to donate to our local food pantry.

  2. I follow your blog everyday and have copied every laptop lunchbox you've done (since I'm not creative enough to do it on my own)We purchased the laptop lunches after reading your blog and it's been a lifesaver on getting my children (7 and 4 yr.old)to go organic after changing over. It's amazing how presentation makes all the difference in the world! So THANK YOU!

    But the reason I'm posting on this listing is because I want to request more details and pics of your future garden etc. I just checked out Organic Gardening for Dummies from our local library to start my research, but I'm still lost and would love to see what you plan, etc.

    Thanks for your great blog and keep up the good work!

  3. It is so funny for me to see a post about getting a garden ready. In NY we haven't even thought about ANYTHING green :)

  4. I am still waiting on some seed catalogs to arrive, but we went out this weekend and measured. My husband was all set to get wood and start building the raised bed frames... and next thing you know, we found ourselves cleaning out 'the' closet. The one we stuffed things into when we moved in three years ago and have not touched since. So... planning got done, but not the actual construction.

    Tiffanie - I am learning as I go too - but I will be posting as I do! So glad this blog has been so helpful to you!!



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