Monday, October 5, 2009

funky calzone face

When my son and I made the pizzas and calzones for dinner tonight, we purposely made enough for everyone to have some tomorrow for lunch.  I asked my son for ideas of what to do with the calzone to make it fun in his lunch and this was the idea he had!  There are grapes under the apple slices.  The teeth and eyes are made out of cheese stick and the dark of the eye is part of a dark grape.


  1. EEk! I came to grab your button and was freaked out by two huge eyes! LOL that's a funny lunch.

  2. LOL, not my 'best' lunch... but the kids LOVED the face, and that is the whole point!

  3. I love it when the kidlet wants to contribute to his lunch; that is so fun. Cute result!

  4. Hilarious! I love food with a sense of humor!



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