Sunday, October 4, 2009

the three c's - coffee, cheese and chicken

We did the organic switch fairly abruptly in the sense that we cleared out the 'junk' (I know a few college students who scored big time) and replenished most of our basics right away.
I think we are roughly 80-90% organic or all natural.

Here is a quick run down of where we seem to be...

Our baking items - organic
kid snacks (applesauce, chips, fruit strips, other snacks)- organic
rices, couscous - organic
store bought bread - all natural
soft fruits and veggies - organic
bananas and avacados - organic sometimes but mostly conventional
milk - organic
pastas - organic
beef- (still waiting on the cow!) organic or grass fed/hormone free
eggs - organic when possible, or cage free if not

we cut sodas but when we do buy, we go for the natural sugar products.

now for the kickers...

Coffee - currently non organic.  I can only seem to find whole bean organic and cheapo here doesn't want to buy a grinder.  The ground organic I have seen is $$$$$$$.  **UPDATE - bought a grinder! found some deals on organic! We've been enjoying our organic coffee!

Cheese - The only organic shreds and slices I have seen are horizon brand.  Former coupon queen, whom always had her 5" binder in the car, can't seem to keep the dinky 1-incher handy.  Without coupons, I just can't seem to buy organic cheese.  The packages are much smaller and cost a few dollars more.  The cheapness takes over and I just can't do it!  The last purchase was a higher end (primotaglio) all natural cheese and it was quite a bit cheaper than the organic version. I did buy organic cheese sticks for the kids once - they were half price and STILL were more expensive than the store brand. **UPDATE - pretty much the same.

Chicken - 4 chicken breasts for $9.99.  I just can't do it.  The internal struggle in the store is obvious.  I am 'that' lady.  The lady who is still there in the meat department 20 minutes after you have left.  There I am, staring at the same packages over and over...  **UPDATE - I've done it!  I've switched!  I do however still stand in the meat dept. for about 20 minutes and I cringe as they ring up the chicken.  BUT I have hit a few half price deals.

I'd like to change those three items to organic, I really do.
So there you go.  There are my/our current struggles on our organic journey.


  1. Great job on switching everything over except for those three things! Even with those few things, you are still eating much more healthy than the average American!

  2. That's funny about the chicken! I can definitely relate... I know the struggle well - the dichotomy of eating well & staying on budget. Wouldn't it be nice if we 'could' afford all organic?

  3. I can help with the coffee! Go to The Cupboard in Denton. They have a bulk coffee section that is organic. They even have a grinder so you can grind it there! It's only $10.49 a pound which is more than I pay for my Starbucks coffee. The Love Buzz is awesome!

  4. Chicken was the first thing that we switched. If you watch any videos on you tube about how chicken is raised it's yucky! We only eat, buy organic pasture raised chickens. If I can' get pastured chicken I won't eat it.

    The coffee here seems about the same as the whole beans but I prefer the whole bean cause it produces a better coffee since it doesn't go rancid like the pre-ground kind.

  5. thanks for posting my giveaway!

    I recieved some organic, Kona Coffee beans for Christmas, and I don't have a grinder. I used my mini cuisinart (2 cup capacity) to grind down the beans, worked like a charm.

  6. I bet you could find organic - free range chicken from a local CSA or farmer's market?

    Usually small, local farmers live in smaller, rural areas and don't charge as much.

    My sister lives in the "country" and has an egg farmer, a chicken farmer, and a cow farmer all within a couple of miles. The chicken and egg one aren't up to my animal humane standards so I refuse to buy from them (yet I buy at the grocery store....grrr...but it's personal since I've told them to their face I don't like how they roll.)

  7. Thanks for all the comments. I scoped out a few places today (still need to check out the cupboard, michelle...)

    I also found a local farm with organic chicken. I think we will go on saturday and price it out. We will just have to eat less chicken (sorry chick fil'a)

    Maybe I should invest in a good grinder...

    as for the cheese - I just don't know!

  8. "I'm that lady" (the lady in the meat dept. 20 mins later) ...this made me laugh because I am THAT lady too! Lol...I thought I was the only's nice to know I'm not! :D I just found your blog today and I'm loving it, we are trying to make a switch to eating healthier food and more organic (well I'm trying to make the switch for my family and I feel like I'm fighting the battle alone...ugh), your blog is going to be very helpful I can see! I am having a hard time getting my 3.5 year old to eat much of anything other than his few standards that he has over and over and I think your clever lunch boxes are really going to help me out! So, thank you!! :)

  9. oh, Amy - glad to know I am not the only meat department straggler! lol

    good luck with your switch! we've only been doing this for a few months so I am still very new - maybe we can help each other out!!



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