Monday, September 7, 2009

And then there were two!

I've been deceiving you.
As I stated in the 'why of it all' post, we only purchased one full laptop lunch system plus some extra containers for my daughter.  However, I found myself using the containers for my son also.  Many of the posted lunches were his, but the pictures were taken in her box!  They were then mushed and mashed in his current lunchbox and sent to school.
I waited and waited for the laptop lunch website to come out with the 2.0 versions in SOLID colored bags.  Being a big time 2nd grader, I felt the 'alien' bag was a little cheesy. 
At last! the solid colored bags were available!!  I called him over to pick... blue, black,...  he shouts out "ohhh look at the alien one!  can I have that?!!"
so....... i sucked in my controlling pride and clicked the purchase button for the alien lunch system.
Yes, these systems are a little pricier than a regular lunchbox, but with four of us taking lunched some days, we had been using up to 20 little plastic bags in one day!  no more! 
Lunch was much easier to make today.  No mushing and mashing.  It was an almost flawless assembly line fashion!  I will not deceive you anymore...

1 comment:

  1. wow these are so neat! We have been producing our own organic beef for the last two years but made the full organic switch (cleaning out the pantry and fridge) about 6 months ago. My husband and I both agreed to start packing the lunches in the upcoming school year which feels like a daunting task. I was Super Excited to find your blog and find some tips and guides to make this transistion a little more enjoyable for all! I have definitely become a follower and look forward to catching up on your blog! :)

    Our little farm blog is



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